SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

All About Inhumans 2

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Mar 5, 2025

Emerald City and Vancoufur

This week: Sam and Fuzzy will be in (nearly) full force at Emerald City Comic-Con at booth 20211! The only thing missing will be, uh... me personally! I'm staying close to home this week so I keep taking Jesi to their treatments. In my stede, my dear friend David Malki will be running the S&F booth for me. He'll have a ton of my swag, including some exclusive new pins! And if you want a pet portrait, you can place an order with him so I can mail it straight to ya. If you're going to be at the show, please swing on by!

But since I will be staying here in Vancouver, I should be able to poke my head in at Vancoufur, where I have a booth with Alina Pete from Weregeek. We'll have all the same goodies at that booth, too! So that's two chances for IRL S&F swag.

A huge thanks to everyone helping me pull off these two shows in tough time. Cons are such a huge part of how I make a living. Jesi and I really appreciate it!

In the meantime, I'll be continuing to run my All About Inhumans feature here! This feature includes some material that I originally made for the universe guide section of the Underground RPG.But that guide was written when the Underground was still a secret to the general public. So this is more of an informative update for humans, now that the S&F universe has changed. Make sense?

Anyhoo, see you all on Friday for part 3!


Mar 3, 2025

All About Inhumans

Here's the first part of a feature I am putting together that I hope you will enjoy! It will probably be very educational, or something. And I think it's about the right scope for this busy time.

Come back on Wednesday for part deux!



Feb 28, 2025

Fetch Simulator

Some reviewers complained that Fetch Simulator was derivative. But then Poppy bit them.

I hope you all had a good February! We are into the third month of Jesi's weekly chemo over here. No one told us chemo would be easy, which is good, because if they had then they would have been huge liars. But Jesi is being a real trooper, and I'm doing my best to keep them as happy and comfortable as I can.

March is going to be a particularly packed month for us, both with Jesi's treatment and with some extra work stuff for me. (I'm doing my one-and-only out-of-town spring con appearance at Wondercon, as well as remotely managing my ECCC booth.) So I'm thinking about possibly temporarily reducing my update schedule. As I'm sure you've noticed, I'm already finding it difficult to make three actual comics a week right now, although I've been having fun posting some alternative material instead. But with everything else going on in March, I'm a little worried about burning myself out and think it might be the time to give myself a little extra leeway. But I will keep you all posted!

Either way, I'll see you on Monday, team.
