All the love in the world
Be warned... this is probably one of the weirder storylines I've done. I think you'll enjoy it all the same, though. I know I like it! But then, I am madly in love with everything I've ever said or done.
On Friday night, I saw Unleashed -- or as I like to call it, "Jet Li Finally Makes a Good English-Language Movie." Sure, it requires a pretty giant leap-of-faith to accept the film's most basic premise: that Li's character could ever have been raised to behave like a dog. But that doesn't make the premise any less interesting. Ultimately, the performances make it work. Morgan Freeman and Bob Hoskins are two of my favourite actors, and Li is given a character broad and simple enough to suit his limited English acting abilities. The fight scenes are great, too. Sure beats the hell out of The One.
The Gamecube Ebay auction seems to be going well! But ebay can't work for everything. Claire and I have got a few things that we'd need to sell/give to someone else who actually lives in Victoria. In particular, Claire would really like to sell her second bearded dragon and tank to someone who would take good care of him. He's a good lizard, although he's a little grumpy right now because he is shedding!
Sam Logan
Humming the bassline
A few of you have asked me about the ambiguous-sounding "big move" I have been mentioning idly for the last few weeks. Well, here is the scoop: Claire and I have finally got an apartment of our very own, and we are moving in on June 1st. The rent is going to be a little bit higher than I've been paying, but I think this place is worth it. Swanky!
Anyhow, we're trying to eliminate some possessions to help free up space and fund the move. If you are interested, I've put up an ebay auction for a Nintendo Gamecube. Included with the system are Mario Kart, Metroid Prime and F-Zero GX. (I've also got a drawing -- of Fuzzy biting Mario's head -- that I'd be happy to throw in if the person who buys this thing wants it.) If you are a long-time reader, you're already familiar with how awesome I think that system and those three games are. But between Claire and I, we have two of each. I'm an obsessive collector, but not that obsessive.
In other news, reader Lucas TdS just dropped me a line to tell me that he got Sam and Fuzzy a Wikipedia entry. Neat!
Sam Logan
Dismembered human body parts never make good romantic gifts. Just ask Vincent Van Gogh!
If you ever get the chance, nab a copy of the book "Who Censored Roger Rabbit." It's out of print now, but if you're lucky, you'll stumble across it in a used book store like I just did. I first read it ages ago, when the film had just been released and my local library still had a copy of the book. I'd been dying to read it again, but only now did I finally have the chance.
It's just a fascinating book for fans of the film to read. The plot is completely different. The cast is mostly the same, but their personalities are not. And it's a great read. Sure, it's no masterpiece -- the high concepts suffer from clunky execution, and the writing is full of bad detective cliches. But man, the ideas in this book... they were great, and a surprisingly large number of them made it into the film. Gary K. Wolfe sure had one heck of an imagination.
And clunky or not, the little world he built sure led to some amazing scenes. It's too bad that the final scene in the book wouldn't have worked at all with the film's plot, because it's one of the best closers I've ever read. I don't want to spoil it, so let's just say that Roger was a very different character before he hit celluloid.
Sam Logan