Today's patriotic ode to the merits of safe, natural corn syrup is brought to you by David McGuire. When he is not busy preaching the sweetener gospel, he is also responsible for
Gastrophobia -- a fantastic webcomic that is every bit as good for you and with only half the calories. Plus, it doesn't have any of these lame forced dietary metaphors.
Fun side note: in Canada, our Coke and Pepsi products don't contain a drop of corn syrup. True story! They're sweetened entirely with sugar beavers.
Our next guest strip arrives tomorrow. See you then!
-Sam Logan
 | Today's strip by Gunshow's KC Green |
KC Green's work is cartooning of the purest and most distilled variety. He has given life to the untold tale of Sam and Fuzzy's most
adorable adventure ever in ways I would never have imagined, and we are all better for it. If you enjoyed it as much as I did, be sure to check out
Gunshow, and
all his other stuff! The man is as prolific as he is talented.
Another guest strip goes live tomorrow! BE THERE.
-Sam Logan
Today's comic is brought to you by Michael Stearns, author of the delightful
Dawn of Time and expert Dinosaur craftsman. Michael provides us with our first look at the original Bitey the Shark, who until now has only been seen in his
x-treme 90s incarnation. Merry Giftfest!
Our next guest strip is unleashed tomorrow. See you then!
-Sam Logan