Cards and Clubs
Whew! Today's comic was a bit of a workout to put together... especially with my regular computer temporarily out of commission! But what good is the "infinite canvas" of the internet if you don't use it to overwork yourself making overly-ambitious mega-comics? Nothing but cat photos.
Meanwhile, our Christmas cards are finally on sale! It's a bit close to the wire, but you've still got a good week or two to pick some up and assault your friends and family before the holidays hit. We have two designs to choose from, as you can see on the right!
What we will not have in time for the holidays, unfortunately, is the mugs! Hopefully, we'll be able to get our colour-changing production issues sorted out and have them on sale early next year.
And last but not least, I've put up a page showing off all the goodies that you'll find in the second Book Club Bonus Pack. If you'd like to score these goodies for yourself -- not to mention all our future bonus packs -- all you have to do is pick up a copy of Fix Your Problem by December 15th!
Here's a sneak peek at one of the two new desktops... an epic courtroom battle, attended by many a Sam and Fuzzy cast member and presided over by the honorable Judge Carlyle:
-Sam Logan