Fan Expo
Good news, Toronto-ites! It looks like I will almost certainly be returning to your city later this month, for my first year ever at Fan Expo! I am just waiting for the convention folks to confirm my space, but they seem pretty confident that they can give me something. So for now, let's call it 95.7% sure that I will be there. Anticipate!
Friends, can I ask a small favour? As you have probably seen, I have a new shirt with a Tanuki on it. He is doing pretty well so far! But I would like to try to get him a bit more out there, beyond the Sam and Fuzzy audience, in front of other eyeballs that are likely to appreciate him. (Geek eyeballs.) If you know of any gaming related blogs or forums where it would be socially acceptable for you to tell the authors or other posters about him... would you? Many of you did just that for some of my previous gamer designs, and it was incredibly helpful!
OK! We return on Friday with a new comic and some new Q and A madness. See you then!

Spidey Sense
So, the new Ultimate Spider-man will be making his (?) debut this week!
I really like the Ultimate Spider-man series... it's one of the only superhero books I still read. It's been written by the same guy (Brian M. Bendis) since it first launched back in 2000, and it's been so consistently enjoyable that whole time that I am willing to trust him when he does something as potentially infuriating as (supposedly) murdering and replacing his main character. I am excited to see who this new person behind the mask is, with their terrible homemade costume and goofy kneepads and apparent exhaustion after a single fight. (Are we getting a Spider-man with no powers? Is that where the black suit that they will eventually be wearing is going to come in?)
But even more than that, I'm just excited to see more Spider-man art from Sara Pichelli, who is going to draw the hell out of this book. You can see some of her art for the book in those two links above. (AKA: here and here.) Gorgeous!
Thanks for all the good health wishes over the weekend! I'm still not back at 100 percent yet, but I'm getting there. Come back on Wednesday for more exciting illness updates! (And also a new comic or something.)
-Sam Logan

Awkward cough
I'm sorry, team! I was really looking forward to doing some serious Q and A today -- I got some great questions last week! -- but sadly, good vibes are not the only thing I brought home from Comic-con. I've been running a fever all day, and am generally only managing to stay awake for a couple of hours at a time.
So please enjoy today's comic, while I rest up! I will do a mega-round of Q and A next week when I'm back at full strength.
-Sam Logan
PS: Also, please keep emailing and tweeting me your photos of your books and sketches! I've been getting them all week, and I gotta tell you, there's almost nothing that makes me feel better.