Happy Holidays
Team! I hope it's all right with you, but I'm going to take the day off from Q and A-ing. It's Christmas-Eve-Eve, and I've got some last-minute preparations that need last-second executing. You know how it is!
And speaking of procrastinators: if there's anyone out there still hoping to give someone Sam and Fuzzy swag as a Christmas gift, I have the solution for you! Although any order you place now won't arrive until after the 25th, you can just announce that your gift will be arriving... fashionably late... using this free, totally-not-sketchy-looking printable greeting card.

Click here for the full-sized printable PDF card!
(Or click here for the Black and White version)
Have a great holiday, everyone who celebrates it! I will be back on Monday with some a special comic strip PSA.
-Sam Logan
EDIT: Book Clubbers! Please ignore the last paragraph in your bonus pack email, claiming that this is the last bonus pack. That is a LIE! (Brought about by a copy/pasting error from an old bonus pack email.)
There will, in fact, be several more bonus packs in 2012. Hooray!
Book Club Bonus Pack 2-2 On the Way
Our latest bonus pack -- featuring brand new Firefly and Clockwork Orange parody desktops, classic Megaman and Evil Diva desktops, and some never before seen early Sam and Fuzzy comics -- will be emailing out tonight to anyone and everyone who has bought a copy of Sam and Fuzzy Are Very Famous. I hope you enjoy the swag! Think of it as my way of saying, "Thanks for your support!" (Because that is exactly what it is.)
If there's anyone out there who missed the deadline but still really wants to get in on the book pack, no problem... if you place an order for it now and email to tell me, I will hook you up, and help you avoid a life of devastating sadness.
And if there's anyone out there still hoping to give someone the gift of Sam and Fuzzy swag as a Christmas gift... you can still live the dream! Yes, our holiday shipping deadlines have lapsed, and your order won't arrive until after the 25th. But that's OK! Just announce that your gift will be arriving... fashionably late... using this free, totally-not-sketchy-looking printable greeting card.

Click here for the full-sized printable PDF card!
(Or click here for the Black and White version)
See? I totally have you covered.
-Sam Logan

EDIT: Apologies for any confusion caused by the original version of today's comic, where Alphonso's panel-one speech balloon was accidentally pointed at Sam. Should be fixed now!
Just a reminder... If you want to get in on our next Book Club Bonus Pack, you have until tomorrow (the 20th) to pick up a copy of our newest book! More info about the club and the new bonuses can be found right here.
At this point, we can no longer promise pre-Xmas delivery on the book itself, but your free digital bonus goodies will email out on the 21st... making for a perfect announcement of a fashionably late gift!

-Sam Logan