Good news, everyone!
The Sam and Fuzzy Omnibus is now on sale online on Topatoco!
The massive two-volume collection of the first 7 years of Sam and Fuzzy -- made possible by a bevy of incredible kickstarter backers -- is now available to one and all!
You can select either the regular paperback or the deluxe hardcover box set version on the order page. And because we have a few extra left over from the kickstarter, you also have the option of throwing in the bonus pack -- six buttons, three postcards and a print. Just follow your heart!
We're also offering artist editions, which included a fully inked-and-shaded drawing of the character of your choice. (And a personalized message, if you'd like one!) Because I live pretty far away from where the books are shipped, I will mail you the drawing myself, in a separate package, on a special adhesive bookplate that you can stick inside your copy of the Omnibus!
I'm really excited to finally have these available to you all! They're an investment, for sure, but I think even with the shipping they're still a huge value for the quantity of content. There are over 1500 pages of comics in this collection... including a brand new intro story, alternate ending, author commentary section, and wide array of other exclusive comics and concept art. Plus, they're just really friggin' pretty. It blows my mind that we were able to make that crazy deluxe box set. (Thank you, kickstarter friends!)
-Sam Logan