It's weird how much the comics you read as a kid can influence your own cartooning as an adult. I'm pretty sure my occassional use of the exclamation "Wot?!?" stems entirely from its frequent use in Marvel's 80s ALF series. (A comic which, I'm sure, holds up flawlessly to this day. Ha!)
More comics on Wednesday. See you then!
-Sam Logan
Sam and Fuzzy Q & A: Abrasive Edition
Got a question you want answered? Just drop me an email with "Q & A" in the subject line!
"So Sam's bracelet has been missing from the Katt's vault for 2219 days. I did that math and that's over SIX years! How long did this burlesque-robbery plan take to form?" - Ryley
You are looking at it the wrong way, Ryley! At some point over six years ago, the bracelet was in the Katts vault. At various other points in the Sam and Fuzzy timeline, the bracelet has been in other places as well -- including a recent stay in Sam's office at Ninja Mafia HQ. (According to Sam, anyway.) Diligent archive divers might be able to find a few other times and locations for it, too. As to how and why... well, you'll find out as the story continues!
"Is Carlyle Sam?" - Cam
This is a popular fan theory. The subject matter is explored quite thoroughly in Rikk Estoban's alternate ending for Sam and Fuzzy, which you can find exclusively in the physical or digital editions of the Sam and Fuzzy Omnibus!

"I don't think this has already been mentioned but I get a niggling feeling it has: Why doesn't X get a robot arm? Since Aaron seemed to get a robot hand easily enough I assume that is a possibility?" - Mitchell
Functional robotic limbs are widely available in the underground, certainly. X uses one as part of his disguise in this strip! But it's not his preference.
The important thing to remember about Mr. X is... he willingly removed his own arm as part of an elaborate attempt to fool Mr. Y. If X felt like removing his arm was a combat disadvantage, it would mean his battle strategy made no sense. So, to this day, he insists it ISN'T a disadvantage and that replacing it is unnecessary. And as a policy, I never draw anything that contradicts that insistence or that implies the missing arm hinders him in any way whatsoever.
"I'm sure we're all wondering it: is Gloria really translating for Herman, or is she just using him as an excuse to say the things for which she doesn't want to take full credit?" - Kyle
I think Herman is saying exactly what he means to say at all times.
That's a wrap for this week! See you on Monday, team.
-Sam Logan
Brace yourself
Continuity note: the bracelet Sam is referring to is, in case you forgot, the same bracelet he was referring to here.
Today, the last of our VanCAF visitors -- my longtime nemesis Jeph Jacques -- is heading home. It is sad to see so many of our friends go! I get so spoiled during VanCAF. Fortunately, it sounds like everyone totally killed at the show, so it shouldn't be too hard to talk them into coming back next year!
We return on Friday with a new comic and a new round of reader Q and A. (If you've got a question you want answered, drop me an email with "Q and A" in the subject line.) See you then!
-Sam Logan