Starting Monday, October 27th... the first ever Sam and Fuzzy
Obligatory Guest Artist Webcomics Duration! (O-GAWD)
Featuring two weeks jam-packed with strips written and illustrated by a top-secret bevy of your favourite Web-comicers!
Don't Miss It!
Turbo-powered hype machine
Yes, that's right -- two weeks of guest strips! I intend to keep the artist line-up as a complete surprise, but I will say this much... there is a lot of them. Expect one strip to be posted every weekday, at the very least.
Well, I didn't get my Zebrahead CD. Although the new album was released in the US today, for mysterious reasons it wasn't released in Canada. None of the local music shops even had the CD listed on their computers as an upcomming release in the next few weeks. That's just messed up!
Fortunately, I did manage to get the new Barenaked Ladies album. Once, I was a huge fan of the Ladies, but over the last few years I had sort of forgotten about them. But Everything and Everyone reminded me instantly why I used to listen to these guys so much. The standout tracks are definately Testing 1, 2, 3, another pop masterpiece from Ed; Upside Down, a sort of rock-tango that really reminds me of Moxy Fruvous; and War on Drugs, a haunting balade that may or may not actually be about the War on Drugs. The single, Another Postcard, is one of the weakest tracks on the whole album, but it is still probably the best song about monkey stationary that I have heard this year.
Sam Logan