In Soviet Russia, comic reads you
Well, I had no idea that
Monday's comic would be so popular! One reader was even inspired to create a piece of fanart, and I have added it to the
fanart gallery.
Also, several folks have requested that the fourth panel be made into a t-shirt. Personally, I'm picturing a red shirt with the "I'm Communism" message and an image of Fuzzy similar to the one in the fourth panel. Is this something you would
honestly actually buy?
Email me and let me know!
Earlier this week, fellow Dayfree Press member Tom Brazelton had the severe misfortune of having his entire website deleted by his webhost. But worry not, movie fans, because
Theater Hopper is back in action, and none of the precious, precious comics were lost. Whew!
Sam Logan
I'll take it from here
Cartooning super villain
Ryan Estrada has started up a new online comic,
Gamer's Edge: World Renowned Comic Strip of the Future. It's as good as the title is long, friends. Ryan also has put a special little surprise for
Sam and Fuzzy fans in the background of the most recent strip. And I didn't even have to pay him anything!
Speaking of games, I'm currently slugging my way through
Sonic Heroes. It has a lot of problems, mark my words, but it's better than a poke in the eye with a pointy stick. Or at least, I think like it more than
Gabe and Tycho seem to. Every once in awhile -- when you are able to ignore the poor camera, irritating voice work, overabundant cheap shots and mental boss fights -- it approaches something resembling fun. Kinda.
Sam Logan
Tourists wear their wallets in high places when abroad
I hope you all take an extra moment today to truly appreciate the many serious undertones, overtones and throughertones of today's comic. If you find yourself asking, "How does my caprocity segatiate with my copious opinions?" you are likely on the right track.
It's fun to be political, folks! All the
cool kids are doing it.
Sam Logan