The story of Sam's... er... "accession by assassination" is the meat and potatoes of much of the comic's original Classic and Noosehead sagas (which you can read online here or purchase in mighty two-volume Omnibus book format here). But if you're looking for a quick refresher on how it all actually went down, this scene where Sam confesses the truth to Dev is a fine place to turn.
Our traditional "Q and A" feature -- where I answer questions sent in by readers just like you -- returns this Friday after a two-week absense! If you've got a question you'd like me to answer, just pop it in an email with "Q and A" in the subject line, or send it my way on twitter.
We return on Friday... see you then!
-Sam Logan
A moment of appreciation today for Colonel Tusks, my favourite recurring-but-unimportant Committee member. (This appearance in particular is a personal favourite.)
That was a heck of a VanCAF! Thanks to everyone who swung by the booth to say hello. I was a little haggard this weekend, but I promise I was still delighted to see you all!
Next comic on Wednesday... see you then, team.
-Sam Logan
VanCAF this weekend!
Vancouverites! I will be appearing at this weekend's Vancouver Comic Arts Festival -- a free to attend comics event that you will definitely not want to miss! VanCAF is always a blast, and Andrea Demonakos and the TCAF crew -- who took over running the event after my partner-in-crime Shannon retired as showrunner last year -- are going to do a swell job keeping this party rolling.
You can find me at table H3 in the gymnasium half of the exhibition. I will have a bunch of cool S&F swag, as well as a few con-exclusive specials. Come say hi!
We return on Monday with a new comic. See you then!
-Sam Logan