Biggest S&F Book Sale Ever!
As some of you have already noticed, we're having a BIG SALE on S&F Omnibuses and Vote Dog books in our online store!
• S&F Omnibus 1 & 2 is 60% off!
(Collects the complete "prequel" Classic and Noosehead series)
• S&F Omnibus 3 & 4 is 50% off!
(Collects Volume 1-4 of the current series)
• S&F Omnibus 5 (or softcover Vol 5) is 25% off!
(Collects Volume 5 of the current series)
• And Vote Dog is 10% off!
(Collects all my dog and cat comics, including a bunch of new ones!)
I know... these deals are bananas! If you've been looking to complete your collection, nab some gifts, or upgrade any of your existing collection to hardcover versions, there has never been a better time. So go forth and... book some books!
-Sam Logan