SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Employability, Pt. 8

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May 5, 2004

The postman hangs on oh so tight

The Employability storyline ends on Friday. I think I have sufficiently alienated any new readers who are unfamiliar with Sam and Alexa's relationship, break-up and vague reconciliation. Good thing the archives are free, eh?

I feel like I've been a bit of a plug-machine lately, but there seem to be a lot of webcomics in need of talking about these days. Congratulations to Dayfree drone VG Cats for hitting the big 1-0-0 this week. Also, congrtulations to Pihakwa for being crazy.

Just look at the stuff in the artist's gallery. Those creatures are great! I swear I have tried to draw exactly those kinds of things before, myself. But mine were bad. Too bad to display. Even on the internet.

Sam Logan

May 3, 2004

E is for empire, R is for revenue

Welcome to May, friends. It's a good month to be a Sam and Fuzzy reader -- a month that that will see the strip's two year anniversary, as well as (finally) the arrival of the Ninja Mafia shirts.

Now that I am done classes, I have more time available to do art commissions. If you want something drawn, I am your man. Your man who draws things.

Sam Logan

Apr 30, 2004

Useless, twisting

It seems like there are a lot of happenings within the Dayfree gang these days. Instant Classic has lept into the triple digits with an entirely new storyline, art style and cast of characters. Brian assures me that Author and Kate will be back later, but in the meantime, this little venture into the world of film piracy looks damn intriguing.

Meanwhile, Neil G has returned to Robot Stories at last. There are three new strips up this week, plus a relaunch of the classic early "paper bag" comics. Check it out!

Incidently, Dayfree Press is looking for submissions from potential new members. If you have a comic and are intrested, you can apply here.

Sam Logan