Sam and Fuzzy and Trevor
My little salute to the earliest days of the comic continues today with another classic Sam and Fuzzy and Trevor comic. After all these years, it's pretty wild to look back where these three started, isn't it? They're all so different now!
Meanwhile, the Sam and Fuzzy kickstarter continues, with slipcases now unlocked for all hardcover editions of Book 6 and 7! How awesome is that? Extremely awesome!
To celebrate such a successful first week of the campaign, I'm going to be doing something special today... drawing a big group portrait full of alternate versions of Fuzzy, based entirely on the suggestions of project backers! If you've backed the project, you can nominate a Fuzzy on the latest update page. I'm going to try and work in as many Fuzzys as I can! For reference, here's the piece I drew for the last kickstarter:
Come back on Friday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan

Classic Time
As I've been working on these final books, I couldn't help but start reflecting back on the series, and how it all began. I guess you could say I'm feeling a little nostalgic! So this week, as a special little feature to celebrate the completion of the series in print, I thought it might be fun to roll back the clock all the way to the Classic era and do some good-old-fashioned, old school Sam and Fuzzy and Trevor comics. That's right! I'm shooting for a really accurate, authentic feel with these. It's gonna be classic Sam and Fuzzy and Trevor, exactly like you remember them. I hope you enjoy it!
Speaking of those new books... the Sam and Fuzzy Vol 6 and 7 kickstarter is going so well! We've already added a ton of stretch goal additions. And now, we're only a stone's throw away from biggest one yet: making these awesome slipcases for all the Hardcover Book 6 and 7 sets!

I'm so blown away by how quickly you all blasted through these stretch goals. I honestly never expected it to happen this fast! But as always, I'll keep converting your extra support into more rad enhancements to the books. I'm looking forward to announcing more potential stretch goal additions soon. (I know, in particular, that a lot of you would really like to see a slipcase for Hardcover 3-5 as well, so I'm looking into ways to make that happen!)
-Sam Logan

The Sam and Fuzzy Kickstarter has funded!
Wow! Friends, I'm happy to report that Sam and Fuzzy Vol 6 and 7 has already reached it's base funding goal on Kickstarter! And y'all did it in less than 30 friggin' hours! Thank you so much, everyone. I'm completely blown away by your support. I can't wait to finally complete the Sam and Fuzzy print library!
As promised, this means I can now use the rest of the campaign to work towards stretch goals to make as many cool additions and enhancements to the books as possible. These are the final Sam and Fuzzy books, after all... I want to make them as special as I can. Here's some of the stuff we're hoping to add:

I think we've got a good shot... which is exciting, because I know everyone would really like to see those slipcases get made! And should we be lucky enough to hit these goals, I'm looking into some other fun additions and goodies that we can do.
Thanks again, everyone, for the incredible support of this project! I've worked on Sam and Fuzzy for 17 years, and I'm so happy that I get to complete this series of beautiful books, and get 'em in your hands. I can't wait to see what else we can do. 27 days to go!
Anyhoo, I'm exhausted, so that's a wrap for today. But come back on Monday for a new comic!
-Sam Logan