Sam and Fuzzy Q & A: Trevor Edition
Got a question you want answered? Just drop me an email with "Q & A" in the subject line!
"So glad to see the classic, definitely always-having-been-there-the-whole-time main character Trevor back! What made you decide to have him be killed by Fig Pig just when it seemed like his redemption arc was about to be completed?" -Max
I'm not going to lie, Max. It was a terrible mistake. The problem was, by that point, I had just gotten so tired of writing comics about Trevor. I mean, after so many years of him being basically the defacto main character of the comic, it was just hard to get excited about him. I was feeling really boxed in, and I felt like I had to take drastic steps to shake things up! But in retrospect, the comic really was never the same without him.
"So, we're getting slipcases for Hardcover 6 & 7. And you mentioned that you want to make slipcases for 3-5. But what about 1 & 2? Did they ever have slipcases? Is it too late to get one?" -Dave
Sorry for the confusion, Dave. Hardcover 1 & 2 do have a slipcase! I just forgot to put any pictures of it on the Kickstarter page. (I've fixed that now.) But every hardcover copy of Book 1 & 2 comes in a slipcase.
And now, every copy of 6 & 7 comes in a slipcase, too! It's only 3-5 that are currently slipcase-less. (But I'm hoping, if we raise enough funds before the end of the campaign, that we can make one that people can get as an add-on!)
"It’s great to see Trevor again! Just like in the old days! But the real question that I’m sure is on everyone’s minds: Have Sam and Fuzzy been replaced by clones built by left wing conspirators to plant mind control devices in Trevor’s canned pork???" -Dawson
Ok, ok. Joking aside, I see Dawson remembers the one comic Trever actually appeared in before... the non-canonical, pre-webcomic Sam and Fuzzy Christmas special that I drew during my first year of university.
Trevor was always a character idea looking for an actual purpose. It just felt like he should exist because, well, I had a second teddy bear named Trevor as a child. I tried casting him as a prepper conspiracy theorist in that one story and then never used him that way again. Or any other way, for that matter. I always figured I'd find a place for "cousin Trevor" in the webcomic version of Sam and Fuzzy sooner or later, but I just... didn't need him for anything. And then once I came up with the mythology of Fuzzy's "species", it stopped making sense for him to exist, anyway!
But it's all different now. Now, Trevor has a reason to be here. He's always had a reason to be here. He's always been here.
Come back on Monday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan