SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Sam and Fuzzy and Trevor, Pt. 4

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Jun 1, 2020


It's good to know your strengths. Trevor's strength is, of course, being Trevor. (Why yes, I am having a lot of fun with this story.)

Come back on Wednesday for our next comic, friends! (And, once again, thank you for all your support of the Sam and Fuzzy Kickstarter. I've been completely blown away.)

-Sam Logan



May 29, 2020

Sam and Fuzzy Q & A:  Trevor Edition
Got a question you want answered? Just drop me an email with "Q & A" in the subject line!

"So glad to see the classic, definitely always-having-been-there-the-whole-time main character Trevor back! What made you decide to have him be killed by Fig Pig just when it seemed like his redemption arc was about to be completed?" -Max

I'm not going to lie, Max. It was a terrible mistake. The problem was, by that point, I had just gotten so tired of writing comics about Trevor. I mean, after so many years of him being basically the defacto main character of the comic, it was just hard to get excited about him. I was feeling really boxed in, and I felt like I had to take drastic steps to shake things up! But in retrospect, the comic really was never the same without him.

"So, we're getting slipcases for Hardcover 6 & 7. And you mentioned that you want to make slipcases for 3-5. But what about 1 & 2? Did they ever have slipcases? Is it too late to get one?" -Dave

Sorry for the confusion, Dave. Hardcover 1 & 2 do have a slipcase! I just forgot to put any pictures of it on the Kickstarter page. (I've fixed that now.) But every hardcover copy of Book 1 & 2 comes in a slipcase.

And now, every copy of 6 & 7 comes in a slipcase, too! It's only 3-5 that are currently slipcase-less. (But I'm hoping, if we raise enough funds before the end of the campaign, that we can make one that people can get as an add-on!)

"It’s great to see Trevor again! Just like in the old days! But the real question that I’m sure is on everyone’s minds: Have Sam and Fuzzy been replaced by clones built by left wing conspirators to plant mind control devices in Trevor’s canned pork???" -Dawson

Ok, ok. Joking aside, I see Dawson remembers the one comic Trever actually appeared in before... the non-canonical, pre-webcomic Sam and Fuzzy Christmas special that I drew during my first year of university.

Trevor was always a character idea looking for an actual purpose. It just felt like he should exist because, well, I had a second teddy bear named Trevor as a child. I tried casting him as a prepper conspiracy theorist in that one story and then never used him that way again. Or any other way, for that matter. I always figured I'd find a place for "cousin Trevor" in the webcomic version of Sam and Fuzzy sooner or later, but I just... didn't need him for anything. And then once I came up with the mythology of Fuzzy's "species", it stopped making sense for him to exist, anyway!

But it's all different now. Now, Trevor has a reason to be here. He's always had a reason to be here. He's always been here.

Come back on Monday for our next comic!

-Sam Logan


May 27, 2020

Sam and Fuzzy and Trevor

My little salute to the earliest days of the comic continues today with another classic Sam and Fuzzy and Trevor comic. After all these years, it's pretty wild to look back where these three started, isn't it? They're all so different now!

Meanwhile, the Sam and Fuzzy kickstarter continues, with slipcases now unlocked for all hardcover editions of Book 6 and 7! How awesome is that? Extremely awesome!

To celebrate such a successful first week of the campaign, I'm going to be doing something special today... drawing a big group portrait full of alternate versions of Fuzzy, based entirely on the suggestions of project backers! If you've backed the project, you can nominate a Fuzzy on the latest update page. I'm going to try and work in as many Fuzzys as I can! For reference, here's the piece I drew for the last kickstarter:



Come back on Friday for our next comic!

-Sam Logan