The good part
A new week is upon us! And so, here is a new comic.
As hard as it is to believe, we have almost reached the end of Trevor's story. But don't worry. After this, we'll be shifting to a brand new Trevor story. And this one is going to be HUGE! It's going to take twenty years of comics to tell it, but I think Trevor really deserves it.
OK, OK, I'm joking.
Or am I?!?
Yes. Yes I am.
Unless I'm not.
-Sam Logan
NOTE: If page 16 and 17 of this story are appearing as the same page for you, please try refreshing the website! I fixed this error on Wednesday, but it seems the incorrect page has been cached for a lot of people, casuing a number of people to never see page 17. Just in case you are one of the people who missed it, here it is again!

Fuzzy & Sam
Yes, that book! And now you know when this story actually takes place: after the ending of the main series. Surprise! (Surprise?)
That's all for this week, friends. But come back on Monday for our next comic.
-Sam Logan
Happy Canada Day
Happy Canada Day, Canadians. I'm afraid we are having a bit of a somber one up here, as we had to just say goodbye to our beloved dog Mac. He was a good old boy who lived a long, happy life, but I miss him terribly.
I'm going to take a little time off. But I am actually a bit ahead on comics right now, so they should still arrive as usual. The next one will arrive on Friday. Thanks, friends.