It sucks when no one appreciates your true artistic vision.
Come back on Friday for a new comic and and a new round of Q and A! If you've got a question you'd like me to answer, just pop it in an email with "Q and A" in the subject line. (Or tweet it at me.)
-Sam Logan
30 minutes
Jess has trouble supressing her creativity.
And hey, just a reminder: my new Sam & Fuzzy books are now on sale in my online store! The final volumes and the complete series are now ready for you, in both softcover and deluxe hardcover box set form!

Come back on Wednesday for our next comic!
-Sam Logan
One Weird Trick
Art bot it still working through some things.
Well, I didn't get around to writing a Q and A today, friends... because instead, I got swept up into revising the Sam and Fuzzy website's archive page! (Whoops.) I hadn't realized how out-of-date it had gotten!
The archive page now reflects the fact that the main Sam and Fuzzy series is done, with links to all the volumes. And up top, I've added a new volume to reflect our current area, which I have branded "Sam and Fuzzy Presents." I think that's a decent way to reflect the anthology approach I've been using the site for since the main series ended!
Anyhow, come back on Monday for our next comic. See you then!
-Sam Logan