Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Ruby the newbie! Ruby's new at the Saucy Hippo, but she and Alicia have been friends for years. (That's why she's so good at putting up with her taste in cartoons.)
WAREHOUSE SALE: 50% off Sam and Fuzzy Books
Just a reminder... all our Sam and Fuzzy books are currently 50% off! Softcovers, hardcovers, box sets... even our empty slipcases for hardcovers 3-5, if you got the books before we'd made the case. Get 'em while the getting's good!
See you on Friday, y'all!

Whoops! I forgot to write a newspost to go with this comic! Let's fix that, shall we?
The reason there are so many jokes about Alicia's foot website in particular is because I wanted to pick something I knew I'd never have any interest in actually drawing. Sorry, foot people! I hate drawing feet. Just like my hero Rob Liefeld.
See you on Wednesday!
Vulfie Fox
Profile #3: Vulfie! Did you know: these profiles forced me to come up with last names for all these people? I don't know why it's so funny to me to have a wolfman who's last name is Fox. I guess I'm just a man of simple pleasures, or something.
We return on Monday with our next profile! See you then, team.