Beach on, beach off
Thanks for joining us for the Beach Party Special! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it. Alas, it's time for the gang to head home from vacation... but here's a big group portrait to wrap it all up with.
See you on Monday with our next comic!
New T-shirts and Pins!
It's true... a whole bunch of new merch is available now in the Sam and Fuzzy store!

- The Sick As Hell shirt has arrived just in time to cap off our Beach Special! But I think you'll agree it has the perfect vibes for any occassion.
- I designed Slow Your Roll for this summer's Gen Con tabletop gaming convention! It's available in both t-shirt form, and as a limited edition Gen Con Pin Bazaar pin.
- Spooky Bitch was actually co-designed my partner, Jesi! They came up with the layout and art, while I handled the colours and lettering. It's the first child of our marriage! (Gross.)
- And last but not least, I made a new Vote Dog pin! We had sold out of the old version, so I took the opportunity to put together a new design when I ordered a fresh batch. (The new version includes the "he's a good boy" slogan!)
We took all these suckers to our summer conventions this year, and they all killed. I hope y'all dig them as much as the con folks did.
See you on Friday with our next comic!
Welcome to September! We're wrapping up our Beach Party Special this week. (Although some characters are more ready to leave it behind than others, clearly.)
Tune in on Wednesday for our next comic!