SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Sick Day: Xmas Cards

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Dec 29, 2023

Sick Day

So, "funny" story! For the past two weeks, you've been reading all the comics I carefully queued up to run while I was away visiting my family for Christmas holidays. But what actually happened was: we got COVID, had to cancel the whole trip, and have spent the entire holiday quarantining at home. Yee ha!

Well, now here we are when I would have originally been "back to work", and instead of returning from a restful time, I'm still busy recovering from an illness and taking care of my even sicker wife. So the truth is, I am not feeling like I got much of a holiday, lol!

Anyway, I'm not really sure what I'm going to be running on here next week! Look forward to discovering with me on Monday. But for today, I've put together one last holiday update. This one is a montage of all the family Christmas cards I've made over the last few years.

As you can see, it's tradition for me to draw something featuring our dogs... Poppy (the scruffy beige dog), Dipper (the tricolour Corgi), and in the older cards, Mac (the labrador retriever). My wife Jesi has often helped me with the recent ones... that's her artwork inside the snowglobe card!

OK... that's all today. Thanks everyone for your support and understanding. Here's hoping for a healthy 2024!


Dec 27, 2023

Secret Santa

Jess is certainly a lot better at Secret Santa than this guy.

Today's comic is based on a piece I published a few years ago for the Saucy Hippo Patreon tier! In addition to our favourite shapeshifter Jess, this one also includes Dev's old ninja pal Kendall. (Who is finally getting the gift that she always wanted.)

That's all for today, team! But see you on Friday for our next comic.


Dec 25, 2023

Merry Christmas to all of y'all who celebrate it! And a happy Monday to everyone else.

It's become a bit of a tradition around here for me to make S&F parodies of classic Christmas specials, so this year, I though I'd finally tackle the Rankin-Bass Rudolph. Baker takes the roll of Rudolph, of course... that's also a tradition. But Sam and Fuzzy also snuck their way in, as Hermy the elf and a misfit toy, respectively.

We return on Wednesday with another seasonal greeting... this one from our friends at the Saucy Hippo nightclub. See you then!
