SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Life Comics

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Aug 19, 2024

Life Comics

And this is why I don't do more autobio comics!

There's a secondary aspect to this comic conceptually that I really enjoy. In comics, when you have to depict an artist character drawing something, you generally draw their drawing in a simpler art style than your comic's art style, to make it clear that it's meant to be an in-universe drawing. So in this comic, I wanted to show that each successive version of Sam is drawing their comic in a simpler style than the style of the reality he lives in. (And that's why I didn't just copy/paste the first two panels over and over and just make them smaller. Haha!)

See you on Wednesday, team!


Aug 16, 2024

Three corgis

Skull Panda felt left out! (Also, I just thought it would be amusing to see the three different characters interacting while drawn in their respective art styles.)

I hope you had a great week, team. Come back here on Monday for our next comic!


Aug 14, 2024

August Patreon Rewards

After all that Sonic-adjacent content, I felt like it was only fair to post some Mario content for balance. So while I am busy ramping back up into comic creation mode after my big summer con tour, here's a Mario Odyssey-inspired drawing of mine that I'm pretty fond of. In case you don't know, that game allows Mario to be a T-Rex (or at least possess the body of one). I figure that gives him the opportunity to return the favour for once and give Yoshi a lift. Hopefully, Yoshi won't dump him in a bottomless pit.

Meanwhile, a new month of extra content is available now over on my Patreon! If you'd like to support my work and get more fun stuff from me, go check it out. There's a whole bonus page of my Sonic-inspired reboot feature for everyone, as well as a bunch of new nsfw art and comics for Saucy Hippo tier backers. Woo!
