SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Neutral Chaos

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Aug 21, 2024

Neutral Chaos Archipelago

I guess I have "fake" series on the brain these days, because while I was having fun making up that Sonic-style Baker and Dipper universe, I was also goofing around fleshing out Alicia's favourite TV show, Neutral Chaos Archipelago.

This poster was a test piece! I wanted it to have a bit of an "animated series" look, so I tried using thinner, more evenly-weighted lineart and psuedo-painted backgrounds. I was pretty happy with the result, and I hope y'all get a kick out of it, too.

That's all for today, team. But see you on Friday!


Aug 19, 2024

Life Comics

And this is why I don't do more autobio comics!

There's a secondary aspect to this comic conceptually that I really enjoy. In comics, when you have to depict an artist character drawing something, you generally draw their drawing in a simpler art style than your comic's art style, to make it clear that it's meant to be an in-universe drawing. So in this comic, I wanted to show that each successive version of Sam is drawing their comic in a simpler style than the style of the reality he lives in. (And that's why I didn't just copy/paste the first two panels over and over and just make them smaller. Haha!)

See you on Wednesday, team!


Aug 16, 2024

Three corgis

Skull Panda felt left out! (Also, I just thought it would be amusing to see the three different characters interacting while drawn in their respective art styles.)

I hope you had a great week, team. Come back here on Monday for our next comic!
