SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Batober 2

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Oct 9, 2024

Batober Continues

We return for a second batch of precious Batober inked art. This is actually the traditional way to celebrate Batober! I should know, because I made it up.

The Fuzzy and Trevor piece was inspired by a costume suggestion sent in by one of my Patreon backers! Kinda makes you wonder who Bonus would be. Moon Knight?

The Shadow the Hedgehog piece features his new "doom wings", an new ability in his upcoming game. And man, those wings have been a gift to Shadow fan artists everywhere. Shadow has always been a bit of an angsty goth, but giant alien goo demon wings can really take the edge levels to the next level. I thought it would be funny to pair him with Batbrain -- a cute robot bat from the first Sonic game -- to really contrast the different sides of this franchise. Ha!

Last but not least we have Morrigan, which is actually a piece I drew a year or two ago. But she is undeinably on theme! And I figured I might as well throw in some thematically related extras so I could make these updates even bigger. Woo!

See you on Friday, team!


Oct 7, 2024

Happy Batober

Wow, can you believe it? It's Batober already! Boy, time sure flies doesn't it? It seems like we only just took down all our Batober decorations from last year, and now here we are again, pouring out the traditional bat nog once more!

Anyway, to celebrate the season, I will be bringing you a variety of bat and bat-adjacent cartoons.

Two of today's bat pieces are pretty self explanatory. The trio of Poke-bats are from the globally beloved mega franchise Pokemon, while Batty is from a not especially popular movie from 32 years ago.

But LEGO Absolute Batman... I feel like I should explain that one for anyone who is not plugged into current superhero comics. "Absolute Batman" is a new comic book series featuring a new rebooted take on Batman. And this particular version of Batman looks like this:

As you can see, he's a very rectangular boy with a very brick-shaped bat symbol, and when I saw it all I could think about is how funny it would look as a LEGO figure. So I drew it!

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy all these bats. I will be back on Wednesday with another bat batch. See you then!


Oct 4, 2024

Bats and Beats

October is the perfect month to dress characters up in costumes, which is a big part of why I like it so much. So here's a pair of costumed pieces with a video game theme.

Cynthia is dressed up as Rouge the Bat from the Sonic series, which means all her bats have to dress up as the non-bat characters. Baker, meanwhile, is decked out as Rush from Mega Man, while Conscience Cat is filling in as Beat. Why make him Beat (the robot bird) instead of Tango (the robot cat)? Because he can fly, of course! It's logic so sound, I've been using it since I drew this nearly two decades ago:

That's right... back then, Butcher had to take the Rush role, since I didn't have any dog characters at the time. Can you imagine? Me with no dog characters? It was a different time.

Anyhow, that's all for today. But see you on Monday, team!
