SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Dog Video Games

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Feb 28, 2025

Fetch Simulator

Some reviewers complained that Fetch Simulator was derivative. But then Poppy bit them.

I hope you all had a good February! We are into the third month of Jesi's weekly chemo over here. No one told us chemo would be easy, which is good, because if they had then they would have been huge liars. But Jesi is being a real trooper, and I'm doing my best to keep them as happy and comfortable as I can.

March is going to be a particularly packed month for us, both with Jesi's treatment and with some extra work stuff for me. (I'm doing my one-and-only out-of-town spring con appearance at Wondercon, as well as remotely managing my ECCC booth.) So I'm thinking about possibly temporarily reducing my update schedule. As I'm sure you've noticed, I'm already finding it difficult to make three actual comics a week right now, although I've been having fun posting some alternative material instead. But with everything else going on in March, I'm a little worried about burning myself out and think it might be the time to give myself a little extra leeway. But I will keep you all posted!

Either way, I'll see you on Monday, team.


Feb 26, 2025


The moral of the story is: when life gives you lemons, elect those lemons and bang 'em! (I think?)

See you on Friday, team.


Feb 24, 2025

Self Reflection

Featuring: some bonus Buddy the goldfish content! Not to be mistaken for Bonus Buddy content, which would of course feature both Buddy and Bonus.

Next week is Emerald City Comic-Con! And while the Sam and Fuzzy booth will be there in full form... I will not be, as I need to stay close to home to take care of Jesi. So, my grand friend Dave Malki from Wondermark will be running the booth in my stede. (Thank you, Dave!)

Since I will not be at the show, I will not be able to draw pet portraits there! But if you know you're going to be there and would like to get one, I am taking preorders! Drop me an email and I'll draw your piece in advance, and you will be able to pick it up at the booth from Dave. (Thank you, Dave!!!)


ECCC & WonderCon folks... I am opening up my pet portrait pre-orders! Prices are $95-$225 depending on size and # of pets. DM or email [email protected] if interested. I won't be drawing DURING the show... just taking mail orders. So if you want to pick up art at the con, pre-order!

[image or embed]

— Sam Logan ( February 19, 2025 at 2:42 PM

I am also taking preorders for Wondercon! At the moment, it is the one-and-only out-of-town convention I will still be attending this spring. But that might change, so I'd still like to do pieces for that show in advance if possible.

Anyhoo, that's my con updates. Thanks for your understanding as we figure this out! See you on Wednesday, friends.
