SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Kick-off, Pt. 8

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May 17, 2006

Thatsa so nice

I did a guest strip for my man Fred over at Hate Song. If you were reading this space a few weeks ago, you may remember that I was really struggling to come up with a good idea for this one. I think I did OK in the end, but by a total fluke, my strip turned out almost exactly the same as one that Joe Dunn did. Clearly, there is only one explanation for this... Joe is an incredibly powerful psychic and a filthy theif. I would be angry with him if I didn't love Coffee Achievers so much.

Anyhow, please go check out my deja vu guestwork over at Hate Song. And be sure to congratulate Fred, who now has a tiny new mouth to feed in his life. (And I don't mean he grew an extra one on his back.)

Based on the emails I've gotten, it looks like the most in demand t-shirt ideas are the Noosehead tour shirt, the When will society stop oppressing me shirt, and the Cannibal Pride t-shirt. I will do my best to get these ready as soon as I can!

Sam Logan

May 15, 2006


This week, on Sam and Fuzzy: Problems.

I am busy trying to decide what kind of extra material to put in the next minibook. The bulk of the book will collect strips from the Behind the Music, Roadies, Happiness and Kick-off storylines. (Collected together, it should read fairly nicely as one big story!) But like the previous book, I'm going to include around 8 pages of brand new material. I'm just not sure what it is going to be yet!

What would you like to see most? A few Skull Panda strips? A short story about a particular character or characters from the regular comic? Some original one-page gag strips? Something else? Give me an email and let me know!

I'm also hoping to launch some new t-shirts next week! I haven't finalized which ones I'll do for sure, but here is the working shortlist:

Cannibal Pride (With a very proud image of Fuzzy and his tofu leg)

When will society stop oppressing me with its unattainable standards (Still not sure what image to pair with this one!)

Have You Seen This Man? (With a mugshot of Sam)

Noosehead tour shirt

Skull Panda Loves Houseplants (Based on Friday's Skull Panda comic)

I make this stuff for you guys, so by all means, weigh in!

Sam Logan

May 12, 2006

Leg up

As a general rule, I don't think the man should get in people's faces about their lifestyle choices! But cannibalism freaks me out. Remember kids... it's not a lifestyle choice when you are eating pieces of humans. Of course, eating pieces of humans doesn't really make Fuzzy a cannibal, since he is a bear. I guess he thinks he's people. Awwwwww!

I have a special bonus for you today! It's a brand new Skull Panda comic by my friend Rikk Estoban. Rikk is busy sending me potential material for the next Sam and Fuzzy Comic-con minibook. Like the original book, the new book will also feature a few pages of Rikk's unique splatterings. But this one was too good not to share with you now:

Click and enjoy! Let me know if you like it. I can pass the message on to Rikk. Not that he actually cares what you think, of course.

Sam Logan