Those pushed will always say they fell
The fine folks at ZeStuff, online repository of all things nerdy and purchasable, are now stocking the Noosehead book!
Ze Stuff handles t-shirts and books for webcomics like VG Cats. They also sell game consoles, video games, tabletop games, and all sorts of other paraphernalia with the word "game" in the title. And now, if you are eager to order any of the above, you can also plunk one of my books into your order.
Long story short, there are now two places where you can get the Noosehead book online... here, or there. Of course, eventually I hope to expand that sphere of opportunity to include every website that has ever existed, or that ever will exist. But hey... baby steps!
Sam Logan
For the record, I will not be making a t-shirt like that available on the site. (Ever.) But I do have a few other new designs that will be debuting next week. I think you will like them, especially if you are a fan of Butcher. (Or robots.)
The first Sam and Fuzzy book will also be back, in time for anyone hoping to nab it as a Christmas present. I've been sold out of these for quite awhile, but I've ordered a third printing and should have them in my hands soon!
Sam Logan
A great place for architects and debutantes
You know, John K's blog is the kind of place where you can watch a man rant on for pages about sunset colours, or read an interview with a guy who painted backgrounds for 30-year-old Yogi Bear cartoons. And what kind of place is that, exactly? A kind of place that is endlessly fascinating to extremely nerdy artists. (Read: me.)
Speaking of art, a new book is coming out that collects -- among other things -- nearly all of the artwork Jamie Hewlett and his team have done for Gorillaz. Definitely worth picking up if you want to see some really amazing cartoons!
Sam Logan