SAM & FUZZY, by Sam Logan (updates M/W/F)

Return of the King, Pt. 2

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Feb 7, 2007

Hound dog

That's right... Elton Priestly. There are no real people in the Sam and Fuzzy universe -- just plenty of thinly veiled analogues!

Well OK, I guess there is one real-world person who does exist in comic continuity. Boyleeeeee!

In all seriousness, I just prefer to handle these kinds of characters this way. It makes me feel less weird about developing their personalities away from their initial inspirations and fleshing them out into full-on unique creations. Even the Noosehead characters started as a simple parody, after all... but I'd like to think that they've transformed into something much more than that!

This tedious insight into the creative process was brought to you by Log.

Sam Logan

Feb 5, 2007

Words that we couldn't say

How many of you folks out there would come visit me if I went to the Toronto Comic-con in June? I am seriously considering making the trip this year. It is my home country's biggest convention, after all!

I wish I could go to Connecticon, but it's just too darn close to the annual San Diego circus frenzy. It's difficult for me to take that much "time off" all at once. Besides, my brain can only handle so many days of conventioning in such close proximity before it turns into mush. By the time it was all over, the comic would have transformed into "The Adventures of Sammy Seaweed and his sarcastic bowl of pablum."

Sam Logan

Feb 2, 2007

Cagey Tigers

Next week: Where the hell he is.

Trying to get Sidney kicked out of the band was actually what Nicole was doing the very first time we saw her. Do you remember that one? It was a long time ago. I'm not sure the internet had even been invented yet.

Sam Logan