And when I update it goes a little something like this
When I look back at some of the older Sam and Fuzzy strips, I'm reminded that Sam wasn't always such an emotional basket case. This is the great thing about drawing a comic strip like this... you can actually see your characters evolve right in front of you. The more I have exposed Sam to Fuzzy's madness, the more unconfident and self-doubting he has become. It's like I'm destroying his life.
I got kind of depressed about this realization, but then I had a cookie and felt better.
I'm sure I've mentioned the Queens of the Stone Age before. When I first heard their new album last fall, I decided that they were, in the words of my generation, "the bomb." Well, I just picked up Restricted, their previous album, and I now realize that, in addition to being the bomb now, they also were the bomb then, and indeed may very well have always been the bomb.
Bomby bomb bomb bomb bomb!
Sam Logan