Mr. Sin, as you may recall, goes through a lot of hands.
Have you heard the skinny on the latest and greatest Sonic the Hedgehog title? And no, I don't mean Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Chronicles, or Sonic and the Black Knight. I'm talking about SEGA's next attempt to improve on the beloved Sonic formula with exciting gameplay innovations and delightfully creative new characters. It's pretty top secret, but between you and me... here's a sneak peek at some of the artwork.
Sam Logan
Our Custom T-shirt 3-packs sale ends on Sunday! That leaves 72 hours to save $7 when you assemble your favourite trio of any of our shirt designs -- from Conscience Cat, Dr Crab and Mr Blank all the way down to I'm Communism, Skull Panda, and the Ninja Mafia. The time for impulse purchasing is upon us! Rationalize now, regret later never!
Have a nice weekend, everyone! As always, our story continues on Monday.
Sam Logan
Bonus Guest Strip: Ryan Estrada
Today arrives with an exciting bonus feature... a special guest strip from my good friend, the ever-prolific Ryan Estrada! Normally I'd save it for an upcoming guest week, but Ryan has... reasons for requesting it run today specifically. And who am I to say no to that? So... enjoy!
The complete Ryan Estrada
Sam and Fuzzy works:
5, and
6 (in the newspost).