Custom-drawn Art Cards

Why not have me draw you a 5.5 x 7.5" black and white or colour illustration of the S&F character of your choice, styled with the costume/genre theme of your choice? WHY NOT?

You can get one of these lovely drawings with a copy of The Underground RPG! But if you've already got one of those, and would just like the drawing, you can get one individually right here. I have you covered!

Art Card
($5 shipping)
Select a colouring option:
What S&F character would you like drawn on your art card?
Would you like them draw with a particular costume/genre/pop-culture theme? (Leave blank if you don't!)
Art Card
($8 shipping)
Select a colouring option:
What S&F character would you like drawn on your art card?
Would you like them draw with a particular costume/genre/pop-culture theme? (Leave blank if you don't!)
Sam and Fuzzy is Copyright 2000-2012 by Sam Logan